Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Had this pretty weird dream before I woke up today. Actually I'm not so sure what the hell it even was...
So I was in the middle of this conversation with a bunch of people I don't even know, and all of sudden I could hear my flatmate knocking on my door asking if I was in. I'm half asleep and half awake at this point. I could still hear the conversation going and my flatmate knocking at door at the same time. Now I'm thinking 'ah better get out of bed and see what she wants'. I even remember yelling 'coming!' at some point...untilllllll the people in my dream tell me to stay where I am and just ignore her...which I did lol.
It's hard to explain but it's almost like they told me to keep dreaming and not wake up xD
So yeah...thats some crazy-ass shit for all yáll


Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

That's awesome but weird at the same time! =D

ArwaB said...

It'd be pretty cool if i could control my dreams

Zaytoon Wo Za3tar said...

I'd like to control mine also >.<

Muggle said...

I hate dreams that freak me out and I know this one would've done that XD.