Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Had this pretty weird dream before I woke up today. Actually I'm not so sure what the hell it even was...
So I was in the middle of this conversation with a bunch of people I don't even know, and all of sudden I could hear my flatmate knocking on my door asking if I was in. I'm half asleep and half awake at this point. I could still hear the conversation going and my flatmate knocking at door at the same time. Now I'm thinking 'ah better get out of bed and see what she wants'. I even remember yelling 'coming!' at some point...untilllllll the people in my dream tell me to stay where I am and just ignore her...which I did lol.
It's hard to explain but it's almost like they told me to keep dreaming and not wake up xD
So yeah...thats some crazy-ass shit for all yáll

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wolverine Appreciation Month

''Marvel is proud to announce that in honor of
Wolverine's 35th anniversary, numerous Marvel titles will feature Wolverine Art Appreciation Variant Covers in April, as part of Wolverine Art Appreciation Month. In the tradition of Marvel's previous variant cover programs, featuring everything from villains to zombies to monkeys, select Marvel titles will feature variant covers spotlighting the most popular X-Man through a unique lens! Inspired by some of the world's greatest artists, these variant covers depict Wolverine like you've never seen him before, in styles reminiscent of Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol and more!''

Crayon Rings by Timothy Liles

Something to keep me busy during a boring lecture or meeting.
Check out more of his work here

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Do re mi

''All of the mushrooms living in the world called Doremi love singing and dancing all together.
while mushrooms are singing and dancing, there is one mushroom being left out...
this original stop motion picture will warm you up and make you smile.''
More of the japanese animations can be found here
I was hugging myself by the end of it

If there was a fatwa about mermaids then what does Islam say about unicorns? Do they exist?

A couple of days a ago a friend and I were on the bus speaking in arabic. This british dude turns around and says ''excuse me, are you two dutch?"

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Bruno Trailer

So bad yet so f***ing hilarious

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Picked up a few of these lemon cupcakes with lavender frosting from Waitrose. They taste absolutely divine! < kalam mal high high ;)