Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hand Drawn by Si Scott

Zoomorphic Calligraphy

'Zoomorphic Calligraphy established itself only relatively late in Islamic art, when the taboos outlawing religious iconography had lost some of their power. It is an art developed in Ottoman Turkey, India and Qajar Iran. People say, it was known as early as 1458. Most of the below zoomorphic and anthropomorphic optical illusions were done by talented artist, named Hassan Musa from Sudan.'

'Me and My Pen'

Darren Newman has a very sophisticated way of working with type. His beautiful illustrations and typography are all hand drawn.
View more of his work here

WordPlay Brief

New term and new brief. For this project we're each given a word and the one I'll be working with is 'Jazz'. We are to produce an A2 poster using both illustration and typography 'to communicate a complex narrative about this word in two dimensions.'

I started off by looking at a few jazz concert posters online, and here are a few that caught my eye:

There's a lot of movement going on in these as well as other jazz posters in general. The typography and colors are very bold and vibrant.
I'll keep that in mind when working on my final piece